Most of us don’t have access to a compute cluster, nor even a dedicated server to run projects on, but a lot of us have access to Linux-based lab computers provided by our school.
So as part of a class on parallel computing, shouldn’t everybody be able to test their code across the school computers? Of course! However I haven’t seen good documentation from any of these classes specific to Hydra, so I’ll write up a complete ‘zero-to-hero’ post on running OpenMPI programs across our lab machines.
Access to the machines
First off you’ll need remote SSH access to the lab machines in question. At UTK each Hydra machine has it’s own public IPv4 address with SSH access enabled, so no problems there.
As part of getting access, you should set up SSH key-based auth. I recommend you only keep your key on your personal machine, since I personally would not trust keeping a private key on a shared system.
To ensure that you can still use this key to connect between the lab systems you’ll want to enable Agent Forwarding, which allows you to use your local key on remote servers without storing your private key there.
Here’s a recommended config for hydra:
Host hydra*
ForwardAgent yes
ServerAliveInterval 120
KeepAlive yes
Now you should be able to ssh hydra0
without typing in your netID password. Then while logged into a hydra machine, you should be able to ssh into any other hydra machine once again without needing your password.
If it still requires your password to ssh between two hydra nodes, then make sure you’ve correctly enabled SSH agent forwarding from your local machine.
Installing OpenMPI
We obviously don’t have any access to install programs into the system-wide root, so instead we’ll just stick to the standard ~/.local
Find newer release download URLs from MPI’s download page.
mkdir -p ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
tar xvf openmpi-4.0.5.tar.bz2
cd openmpi-4.0.5
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local --enable-picky --disable-debug --with-platform=optimized --enable-visibility --enable-contrib-no-build=vt --enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default --with-cma --without-memkind
make -j$(nproc)
make install
Build a hostfile
Now we need to choose a set of hosts to run across. For Hydra it’s easy since they’re all numerically identified.
With ZSH I can generate a hostfile with a single command:
z=(hydra{1..30}); print ${(j.\n.)z} > hosts
Now if you need to narrow down the list (i.e. to use a square number of processes) just delete some lines from that hosts
For programs requiring a square number of hosts (like this CS462 homework) I’d recommend selecting 4, 8, or 16 machines. Keep in mind which systems other people are using, since you’re sharing CPU time with everyone.
In order to discover who’s using what machines (and to select lesser-used nodes) I wrote a script to summarize who’s logged in where.
Running your programs
For the ease of copy-pasting by CS462 students the program will be hw_tester -vt large3.dat
, replace with whatever program / args yours is.
If you’re lucky, just mpirun --hostfile hosts ./hw_tester -vt large3.dat
will work, however Hydra users are not so lucky.
Hydra limitations
So instead I had to dig around a bit to find a few key pieces of info:
We need to avoid selecting the wrong network interface to use: I ended up adding combinations of --mca btl_tcp_if_exclude virbr0,lo,virbr0-nic
to exclude unwanted interfaces and --mca btl_base_verbose 100
to increase the verbosity of the network setup so I could debug further.
Then I found that the default port range couldn’t be bound to on the Hydra machines, so we need to increase the starting port (--mca btl_tcp_port_min_v4 MIN_PORT_NUM
) and also reduce the port range it selects from. (--mca btl_tcp_port_range_v4 PORT_RANGE_SIZE
Keep in mind that we don’t want to overlap with anybody else’s port range who might also be following this tutorial, so I’d recommend choosing a starting port number somewhere between 18000
and 28000
in increments of 100. (--mca btl_tcp_port_range_v4 100
So in the end I was able to successfully run my program with:
mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_exclude virbr0,lo,virbr0-nic --mca btl_tcp_port_min_v4 21200 --mca btl_tcp_port_range_v4 100 --hostfile hosts -npernode 1 ./hw_tester -vt large3.dat